Shipping policy
Delivery Time = Fulfillment Time + Transit Time
Fulfillment Time: The period required to pack your order and hand it over to the shipping carrier.
Transit Time: The period taken by the shipping carrier to deliver the package to you.
Shipping Cost
Shipping cost is calculated during checkout. All shipping cost paid are not refundable.
$2 Flat Rate Shipping Offer
We offer a flat rate of $2 shipping fee on orders over $150.00 USD and shipping within the continental United States. Some items are excluded. We reserve the right revoke this offer.
The term "continental United States" refers to the 48 adjoining U.S. states plus Washington, D.C., on the North American continent. This excludes the non-contiguous states of Alaska and Hawaii, as well as all other offshore territories and possessions, such as Puerto Rico, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Although we do not offer free shipping to your area, we have negotiated great 2-day rates with FedEx. Give us a call to arrange a custom shipping quote.
Shipping Times
All orders are shipped from our warehouse in southern California. Depending on where you are located, shipping times will vary.
International Shipments to Canada and Mexico
Customers from Canada and Mexico will be charged additional duties and import taxes at checkout. We offer Delivery Duties Paid (DDP) in which we collect payment for these charges during the checkout process.
All other International Shipments
Customer is responsible for paying any import costs to the shipping carrier, such as VAT, duties, and clearing fees, upon delivery.
PO boxes: Please note that based on size, weight, or supplier restrictions, some products cannot be shipped to, or maybe delayed when shipped to, a PO box address. If you stipulate a PO box as the shipping address for one of these items, you will see a shipping alert in your cart, where alternative options will be provided.